Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday Night History

Things I learned watching The History Channel H2 tonight:

1. Ancient aliens caused the walls of Jericho to fall.
2. Ancient aliens built everything in the ancient world bigger than an outhouse, and some of those.
3. Zeus' thunderbolts, Odin's hammer, and those spooky rays coming out of the ark of the covenant were all laser guns built by ancient aliens.
4. The antichrist is "probably"alive today.
5. We're all going to die.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


The History Channel has found itself in the unfortunate position of being cited on Once again, reality meets entertainment. CHECK OUT THE LINK!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Things I Learned Watching the History Channel

Things I learned watching The History Channel's programming on ancient astronauts, mythical creatures, and prophecy:
  1. We are all going to die in 2012 because a huge asteroid is plummeting toward us;
  2. Or, if not, it will be when our sun becomes a supernova;
  3. Or, if not, it will be when a massive solar flare attacks us from another supernova;
  4. The creationist museum folks in Northern Kentucky are not wrong: Dinosaurs and humans did interact with one another, and in fact people did ride dinosaurs;
  5. Ancient Aliens caused the Great Flood in order to weed out those people they didn't think met their standards;
  6. But this was after they had bred the perfect human family by artificially inseminating Noah's mother;
  7. Which was after they had sent an asteroid to strike the earth to kill all the dinosaurs, which they decided were too dangerous to leave around among people;
  8. But that was okay, because Noah's Ark was really a DNA bank of all the species on earth.
And that doesn't even get to the Yetis and Bigfoot sightings.

As Jade said in the mission statement for this blog, our mission is simple: Bring real, legitimate, history back to the History Channel, and leave the rank speculation and ridiculous programming for other networks.

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Mission Is To Bring History Back To The History Channel

This video is a brief example of the problem that we are facing. This is a reasonable representation of a History Channel program. The fact is that not many Americans, with the exception of history majors/minors, study history to any great extent. Those who haven't enrolled in a college may get even less of an opportunity to study history; therefore the History Channel is the most popular source of history for many of its viewers.

I propose that The History Channel focus on academically sound historical information and case studies rather than presenting topics such as Ancient Aliens, Big Foot, The Yeti, or even Star Wars as it pertains to modern science, which belong on the conspiracy theory or science fiction channels. While those are all interesting topics, they are not suited for a channel that claims to be portraying an
accurate history of the topics it presents to a population not well educated in history to begin with.

There are many topics in history which would be interesting to the average viewer, set aside the educational value. Some of these topics include (in no particular order or level of importance):

  1. Civil Rights
  2. French/Industrial/American/Mexican, etc., Revolutions
  3. World Wars
  4. The history of Globalization
  5. Architectural History
  6. Anything Else not requiring the intervention of Aliens or mythical creatures
While aliens may exist somewhere, they should not be accredited with all the miracles in the Bible, the Hindu scriptures and much of Mythology. Let's bring real history back to the History Channel.